
The objective of the General Terms and Conditions of CCP Austria is to ensure and maintain an efficient, orderly functioning and regulated financial market. 

The GTC apply to the clearing of exchange transactions and to transactions concluded on the “Vienna MTF“ of the Vienna Stock Exchange. Exceptions to this are exchange transactions in securities pursuant to § 29 GTC which have not been included in the clearing system by CCPA ("non-CCP-eligible securities") as well as securities transactions which are concluded through an official broker. 

The GTC contain general provisions and the procedures as well as the framework for the organization of clearing, the clearing procedures, the treatment of default events and the deposit and realization of clearing collateral and contributions to the default fund. 

The GTC have to be accepted by all Clearing Members as admission requirement. Here you can find more information about the participant onboarding.

Amendments to the General Terms and Conditions

valid as of 2024-07-29

We would like to inform you that the General Terms and Conditions of CCP Austria have been amended to further specify the modalities for the fulfilment of intraday margin calls and their release in § 31 para 3.

The amended General Terms and Conditions will enter into force on 29 July 2024.

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